"Kelley Drye & Warren LLP," Registered Agent in Washington D.C.

If you're in the process of preparing to serve legal documents on "Kelley Drye & Warren LLP," Registered Agent in Washington D.C., rely on our Process Servers in D.C. for process serving support. Our featured Washington D.C. Process Servers are seasoned, capable, and situated throughout the District area. You'll have a great range of Process Servers in Washington D.C. to pick from!

Sunshine Process Services

Sandra Sunshine

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

ABC Process and Court Services

Bari Galloway

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

Thunder Process Servers

Peter Varnick

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

Legal Support Process Services

Mitchell Grady

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

Allied Process Services

Larry Rich

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

Statewide Judicial Services

Sarah Levy

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

"Kelley Drye & Warren LLP," Registered Agent, in Washington D.C. and the Companies They Represent for accepting process service:

3662 ABS-CBN International 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3867 Adigo 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
4191 Allvoitel Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3574 Alteva Hometown Inc 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3079 Alteva Solutions Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3080 Aptela Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3439 Asia Netcom Japan Corp. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3429 Asia Netcom Korea Limited 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
2782 Asia Netcom Korea Limited 3050 K Street NW
3433 Asia Netcom USA Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
2776 Asia Netcom USA Inc. 3050 K Street NW
3648 Beacon Live 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3650 Bennet Communications Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
4118 Big City Networks Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3626 Boston Conferencing Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3630 BT Conferencing Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3586 C2C 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3704 Callfinity Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3590 Castle Access Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3437 Connect Holding Limited 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3427 Connect Holdings Limited 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
2778 Connect Holdings Limited 3050 K Street NW
3865 Conserto LLC 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3621 Crossfone 3050 K Street Northwest
3660 CX2 Global LLC. 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3580 CZC 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3582 CZC Infocom Cable Taiwan Limited 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
1849 Eagle Communications Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
3441 East Asia Network Taiwan Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
1776 Florida Digital Network Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest
1847 Gabriel 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
3640 Genesys Conferencing Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3642 Genesys SA 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3435 implement.com Corporation 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
2780 implement.com Corporation 3050 K Street NW
4116 IVANS Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3128 IXC holdings Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest
3644 LINK Conference Service LLC. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3097 M5 Networks LLC 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
1778 McCaw Communications Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest
1845 McCaw Communications Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
4324 McCaw Communications Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3126 Momentum Telecom Wholesale LLC. 1200 19th Street Northwest
3619 Momentum Telecom Wholesale LLC. 3050 K Street Northwest
3130 My People LLC 1200 19th Street Northwest
4320 Near North Partners LLC 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
4398 NuVox 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
1780 NuVox Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest
3425 Pacnet 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3584 Pacnet Cable Global Networks LTD. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3578 Pacnet Cable Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3443 Pacnet Limited 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3423 Pacnet Services Asia Pacific Limited 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
3431 Pacnet Services PTY LTD 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
1843 Pittencrieff Communications Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
3628 Pittencrieff Communications Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400
3646 Reimer Communications LLC 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
2260 Shared Telcom Services 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
4064 Toshiba America Information Systems Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest
3588 TV Cable Inc. 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
4322 TW Telecom Holdings LLC 3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400
2928 USA Datanet 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
2926 USD Clec Inc. 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
2930 XAND Corporation 1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500
3617 YO LLAMO LLC. 3050 K Street Northwest
  • ABS-CBN International


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Adigo


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Allvoitel Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Alteva Hometown Inc


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Alteva Solutions Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Aptela Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Asia Netcom Japan Corp.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Asia Netcom Korea Limited


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Asia Netcom Korea Limited


    3050 K Street NW

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  • Asia Netcom USA Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Asia Netcom USA Inc.


    3050 K Street NW

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  • Beacon Live


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Bennet Communications Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Big City Networks Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Boston Conferencing Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • BT Conferencing Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • C2C


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Callfinity Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Castle Access Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Connect Holding Limited


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Connect Holdings Limited


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Connect Holdings Limited


    3050 K Street NW

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  • Conserto LLC


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Crossfone


    3050 K Street Northwest

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  • CX2 Global LLC.


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

    Read More
  • CZC


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • CZC Infocom Cable Taiwan Limited


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Eagle Communications Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • East Asia Network Taiwan Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Florida Digital Network Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest

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  • Gabriel


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • Genesys Conferencing Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Genesys SA


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • implement.com Corporation


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • implement.com Corporation


    3050 K Street NW

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  • IVANS Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • IXC holdings Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest

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  • LINK Conference Service LLC.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • M5 Networks LLC


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • McCaw Communications Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest

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  • McCaw Communications Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • McCaw Communications Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Momentum Telecom Wholesale LLC.


    1200 19th Street Northwest

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  • Momentum Telecom Wholesale LLC.


    3050 K Street Northwest

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  • My People LLC


    1200 19th Street Northwest

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  • Near North Partners LLC


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • NuVox


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • NuVox Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest

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  • Pacnet


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Pacnet Cable Global Networks LTD.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Pacnet Cable Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Pacnet Limited


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Pacnet Services Asia Pacific Limited


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Pacnet Services PTY LTD


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Pittencrieff Communications Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • Pittencrieff Communications Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Washington Harbour Suite 400

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  • Reimer Communications LLC


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • Shared Telcom Services


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • Toshiba America Information Systems Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest

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  • TV Cable Inc.


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • TW Telecom Holdings LLC


    3050 K Street Northwest Suite 400

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  • USA Datanet


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • USD Clec Inc.


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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  • XAND Corporation


    1200 19th Street Northwest Suite 500

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    3050 K Street Northwest

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